Twilight and Bizzaro (S.Flareon) was playing in the streets, when suddenly a My.Mime Appeared in front of twilight. and before twilight could notice he ran right into Mr.Mimes Barrier. "Ouch." When Twilight notices that it is a Mr.Mime he quickly jumps to his feet and leaps backwards. "Bizzaro it's all you buddy!" Bizzaro dashes quickly infront on Twilight.
"Bizzaro Trap him in a Firespin" Might flames roar around Mr.mime trapping him in a Fiery whirlpool.
Mr.Mime Cannot attack.
"Bizzaro Give him a Fire Blast!" an immensely powerful blast of fire head towards Mr.Mime bit instead hit the fire spin trapping Mr.mime intensifying the fire spin ten fold!
Mr.Mime does not stand a chance a faints. Twilight Reaches for a pokeball on his belt and gives it a whirl. It flys towards the exhausted Mr.Mime, then hit him in the head and Opens up. a Bright red claw comes out of the pokeball and grabs the Mr.mime and pulls him into the Pokeball. Twilight Successfully caught Mr.Mime, Bizzaro leveled up, and Twilight received $200.